About this map

These interactive maps provides access to EU Copernicus Sentinel-1 A-DInSAR and CONAE SAOCOM products made by INGV-OE Remote Sensing Lab. SAOCOM stripmap data and SENTINEL 1 TOPSAR data are respectively provided by ASI and ESA to Mt. Etna Volcano Supersite, in the frame of GEO-GSNL initiative. Data were processed by the GAMMA software and StaMPS package (Hooper, 2008).
All Sentinel-1 results that are available for download are Derived Works of Copernicus data (2015-2016), subject to the following use conditions: "Terms and conditions for the use and distribution of sentinel data and service information".
"SAOCOM® Product - ©CONAE - (2020-2023). All rights reserved" Product processed under CONAE license in the framework of the SIASGE Cooperation Agreement CONAE-ASI"."


This service has been implemented in the frame of INGV-FISR project (Sale Operative integrate e Reti di Monitoraggio del futuro: l’INGV 2.0)

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For any question please contact:
E: carmelo.cassisi@ingv.it
E: francesco.guglielmino@ingv.it